Fong Wern Sheng Tag

Source: Main Market-listed PGF Capital Bhd has delivered a strong third quarter ended Nov 30, 2024 (3Q25), and nine months (9M25) results with revenue increased by 27.3% year-on-year (YoY) to RM121.3 million compared to RM95.3 million in 9MFY24. PGF Capital said the growth is primarily attributed...

Source: Oleh NOR AZAN FITRI AHMAD HIDZIR KUALA LUMPUR 20 Jan - Untung bersih PGF Capital Bhd bagi tempoh sembilan bulan berakhir 30 November 2024 (9MFY25) meningkat kepada RM20 juta berbanding RM12.3 juta yang dicatatkan bagi tempoh sama taun sebelumnya disokong jualan lebih tinggi dalam segmen...

Source: PGF Capital Bhd is acquiring two parcels of land totaling 9.608 acres in Kulim Hi-Tech Park, Kedah, for a mixed development project valued at RM600 million. The land, purchased through its joint venture company Nexel Development KHTP Sdn Bhd, will host a condominium, hotel, serviced...

Source: PGF Capital Berhad announced that its indirect joint venture company, Nexel Development KHTP Sdn. Bhd., has entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement to acquire two parcels of freehold land measuring an aggregate area of approximately 9.608 acres, located at Kulim Hi-Tech Park, Bandar...

[caption id="attachment_1691" align="aligncenter" width="690"] The company's indirect joint venture company, Nexel Development KHTP Sdn Bhd, has signed a sale and purchase agreement to acquire the land in Kulim Hi-Tech Park from Kulim Technology Park Corporation Sdn Bhd for RM12.7 million.[/caption] Source: KUALA LUMPUR: PGF Capital Bhd...

宝利资本和居林高科技园签署土地买卖协议,左起为陈建文、邝汶城、莫哈末砂西和艾达再娜,陈亚力则企于后方见证。 (吉隆坡10日讯)宝利资本(PGF,8117,主板工业股)签署土地买卖协议,以1270万令吉收购居林高科技园(Kulim Hi-Tech Park)两块土地,用于综合发展项目。 根据今天的文告,宝利资本是通过间接联营公司——Nexel发展KHTP私人有限公司购买上述土地,后者隶属于宝利资本持股50.1%的Nexel集团私人有限公司。 宝利资本发文告指,以上两块土地面积约为9.608英亩,计划在该地打造发展总值达6亿令吉的综合发展项目,包括公寓、酒店、服务型住宅以及商业项目。 执行董事兼总执行长邝汶城表示:“这是我们在房产业务上的战略举措,很高兴能获此机会,为居林高科技园打造综合项目,满足住宅和商业需求。” “目前,该科技园的员工人数约为4.5万人,相信随着更多跨国企业进驻,此数字将进一步扩张。随着工业活动逐渐增加,当地的人口将随之上涨,由于该区的住宅供应紧张,需求理应会急剧增加。” 邝汶城续说,集团一旦获得监管批准,将在2026年初开展工程。 今天协议签署的出席者,包括Nexel集团董事经理陈建文、马辉集团(MALVEST GROUP)执行董事拿督陈亚力(译音)、居林科技园总执行长拿督莫哈末沙西和营运总监艾达再娜。 马辉集团即是宝利资本的联营伙伴,它在开发住宅和商业项目拥有35年经验,在槟城和吉兰丹已完成超过4900个单位。 Source: 宝利资本1270万购地 居林高科技园推房产...

Source: KUALA LUMPUR: Main-market listed PGF Capital Bhd's indirect joint venture company Nexel Development KHTP Sdn Bhd has entered into a sale and purchase agreement to acquire two parcels of freehold land in Kulim Hi-Tech Park, Kedah from Kulim Technology Park Corporation Sdn Bhd for...

Source: PGF Capital Bhd has reported another robust financial performance for its second quarter of the financial period ended Aug 31, 2024 (2Q25) with revenue increasing by 40.6% year-on-year (YoY) to RM42.4 million compared to RM30.1 million in 2Q24. This surge is primarily attributed to the...

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