Kulim East Industrial Park Tag

Source: https://www.businesstoday.com.my/2024/10/28/pgf-capitals-2q25-revenue-surges-41-yoy/ PGF Capital Bhd has reported another robust financial performance for its second quarter of the financial period ended Aug 31, 2024 (2Q25) with revenue increasing by 40.6% year-on-year (YoY) to RM42.4 million compared to RM30.1 million in 2Q24. This surge is primarily attributed to the...

Source: 斥资4000万令吉 宝利资本购地建厂 (吉隆坡13日讯)隔热及隔音材料生产商——宝利资本(PGF,8117,主板工业股),通过子公司斥资4000万令吉,向 Senam Jaya私人有限公司(SJSB)收购吉打居林一个工业园内的23.9英亩土地,以建设新工厂与扩张业务。 根据今天的文告,相关土地位于居林一处名为“居林东工业园”(Kulim East Industrial Park)的项目中,距离宝利资本现有的北赖工厂约30分钟车程,同时距离槟城港口约45分钟车程。 宝利资本计划分阶段在新购的土地建厂,首阶段,所建新厂预计将公司的总体年产量,从现有的2万5000吨,大幅增加160%或4万吨,至6万5000吨。 首阶段新厂的建设工程,计划2025年初启动,2026上半年完工并开始营运。 至于次阶段的扩张计划,则会增加额外2万吨产能,将总体年产量提高至8万5000吨,预计2026上半年完成。 扩大产量 宝利资本总执行长兼执行董事邝汶城通过文告指出,为了满足全球永续及高效能源趋势带来的需求增长,该公司决定将年产量显著扩大4万吨。 “如今各界更关注净零碳排放目标,为我们带来显著的商机,因为隔热材料在降低能源消耗和碳排放方面,扮演重要角色。”...

Source: https://theexchangeasia.com/pgf-capital-acquires-land-in-kulim-for-insulation-production-capacity-expansion/ PULAU PINANG: Main-market listed leading insulation producer in Southeast Asia, PGF Capital Berhad (“PGF Capital” or the “Group”) (stock code: 8117), announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, NetZero Technology Sdn. Bhd. has entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) to acquire a piece...

Source: https://www.dagangnews.com/article/pgf-capital-ambil-alih-tanah-berharga-rm40-juta-di-kulim-bagi-tingkatkan-pengeluaran-penebat-41438 KUALA LUMPUR 13 Sept - PGF Capital Bhd bercadang mengambilalih tanah pegangan bebas seluas 9.7 hektar berharga RM40 juta di Kulim, Kedah bagi meningkatkan pengeluaran penebat. Kumpulan itu menerusi NetZero Technology Sdn Bhd, telah memeterai perjanjian jual beli (SPA) bagi pengambilalihan tanah yang terletak di...

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2024/09/13/pgf-capital-acquires-kulim-land-for-rm40mil-to-boost-insulation-production KUALA LUMPUR: PGF Capital Bhd has proposed a piece of freehold land measuring 96,720 square metres in Kulim, Kedah for RM40mil. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the insulation producer announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, NetZero Technology Sdn Bhd, has entered into a sales and...

Source: https://www.businesstoday.com.my/2024/09/13/pgf-capital-acquires-land-in-kulim-for-rm40m/ PGF Capital Berhad (PGF Capital), a leading insulation producer, has acquired a sizeable freehold land lot in Kulim, Kedah for the development of “Kulim East Industrial Park.” On Friday, the group entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement through its wholly-owned subsidiary, NetZero Technology Sdn...

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