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Source: (吉隆坡30日讯)PGF Capital Bhd截至2022年11月30日第三季(2023财年第三季)净利狂飙51倍至203万令吉,上财年同季为3万9000令吉,得益于绝缘业务的产量及销量增加。 营业额从1352万令吉,弹升31.29%至1775万令吉。每股盈利从0.02仙,飙升至1.25仙。 绝缘业务是其主要收入来源,为2023财年第三季贡献1736万令吉或97.8%,税前盈利为303万令吉。 该集团也从事产业发展业务,未录得营业额,但蒙受24万1000令吉税前亏损。该集团也涉足农业业务,种植榴莲等热带水果,以及“其他”业务的淡水水产养殖活动(税前蒙亏51万令吉)。 截至去年11月杪首9个月,该集团净赚1116万令吉,比上财年同期的104万令吉超出近10倍,因营业额从4075万令吉,暴涨62.31%至6614万令吉。 展望未来,该集团谨慎乐观看待绝缘及相关产品业务将继续推动盈利,在现财年余下时间表现稳定。 截至下午3时50分,PGF Capital升1仙或0.7%,至1.42令吉,市值为2亿3100万令吉。   (编译:魏素雯)...

Source: KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 30): Glass mineral wool insulation maker PGF Capital Bhd’s net profit jumped to RM2.03 million for its third quarter ended Nov 30, 2022 (3QFY2023), 52 times the RM39,000 it made in the preceding year's corresponding quarter, thanks to higher production output...

Source: KUALA LUMPUR: PGF Capital Bhd's net profit surged to RM2.03 million in the third quarter (Q3) ended November 30, 2022 (FY23) from RM39,000 recorded in the same quarter a year ago. In Q3, PGF's revenue increased 31.3 per cent to RM17.75 million from RM13.52 million. In...

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